There's a Better Way to Build
Founded in 1993 and headquartered today in Washington, DC, The Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) is the nation’s expert on design-build and offers the only Design-Build Done Right® education and certification. By bringing together all disciplines, DBIA members have upended the status quo and proven the power of collaboration on projects big and small, across all sectors. We help our members deliver higher quality outcomes today and tomorrow.
There are 14 geographical regions of DBIA that work together to make design-build resources available nationwide.
The Upper Midwest Region of DBIA was founded in 2003 to provide design-build information, education, advocacy, and networking opportunities to the states of Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Members of DBIA-UMR include practitioners from all project phases, as well as public and private sector project owners. DBIA-UMR works to disseminate best practices by hosting and conducting educational programs, networking opportunities, innovative project tours, and bi-monthly breakfast meetings throughout the year.